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6 stories, 6 science theory, 6 toys

BOOKU x Georgetown

Festival 2017

28 July - 26 Aug


SEASON 01: Italo Calvino

Date: 12 Ded 2015- 27 Aug 2016

Exhibition: 29 Oct - 26 Nov 2016

"You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveller. Relax. Let the world around you fade."




Italo Calvino

Aug 04, 2017

Cosmicomics Toyscape: Story Telling + Toy Playing Workshop

1st Workshop: 5th - 6th August 2017 

2nd Workshop: 12th - 13th August 2017

Please click "more info" for details. 

May 12, 2017

Pan Borneo Road Trip Screening Night

Join us for an evening of movie screening [Home],a story sharing of a one-month journey across the island of Borneo [Pan Borneo Road Trip] by Borneo art collective.

This one-night event will bridge through east and west, be held both in DNA office,Kuching and Booku,Kuala Lumpur on 7pm, 13th May 2017,

Admission is free and join us for this heartfelt night knowing [Home].

Feb 04, 2017

Kota Peta: Himpunan Pemetaan Budaya di Kuala Lumpur

"Kota Peta" is an exhibition focusing on different cultural mapping initiatives in Kuala Lumpur. The exhibition is to look at the different methodologies and practices of cultural mapping to understand the urban phenomenon. With diverse initiatives of cultural mapping exhibited, some from the literature lenses, photography to cycling, the cultural mapping exhibition will open a platform for discussion, place-making urban tour and literary reading session. Stay tuned for more info!

Date : 5th, 10th, 11th & 12th February 2017

The exhibitions are being made possible by different cultural mapping initiatives of :

1) LiteraCity (
2) Cycling Kuala Lumpur (
3) MSPCollective (
4) BOOKU 册厝 (
5) Little Planet Project Lab (
6) People Ideas Culture 人思文 (人思文-596103760542966/)
7) UnRepresented KL (
8) Lostgens (
9) Sze Hooi Gan (
10) Kota Kita (

Oct 28, 2016

Tracing Italo Calvino

After delved in Italo Calvino’s reading for 10 sessions over 10 months, Booku has decided to put together fruits of our reading, discourse and recreation in an exhibition held in our book space!

Utterly grateful for all our followers and bookers that has join and contribute on all our reading sessions, some reading sessions are exceptionally successful where the seed of reading has spark up more ideas of re-creating the creation. In our exhibition we will be show casing our readings, interesting conversation and discourse and most importantly doodle, sketch, art, audio and photography re-creation from all of our talented readers! 

Therefore please do not miss our exhibition “Tracing Calvino” that start from 29th October 2016 – 26th November 2016 (weekends ONLY), held in our tiny Booku space, which hopefully expands in literary horizon.

Aug 26, 2016

If On a Winter's Night a Traveler

Protagonist of this book it's the reader, you yourself. It begins: " You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade."

This Italo Calvino's book, by the end of time we'll have read a collection of ten novels, all incomplete, and all left on a note of suspence. It's not merely a novel, it's a novel of novels, it's a story about story telling, a book about the book and binding, these stories within stories is a hell of inception. 

Aug 05, 2016

Italo calvino x QFWFQ

< COSMICOMICS > by italo calvino 

QFWFQ is the narrator of 12 short stories in this book.
each story = 1 scientific fact + 1 imaginary plot

this event is open to 12 person ONLY, every participant have to adopt one of the chapters.

then what should you do ?
(1) PM us your favourite chapter/ say "hi" at that chapter posted in photos (counted as registration) 
(2) no burden of reading, just challenge of idea interpretation (opps joking. of course we will do reading)
(3) no pre-preparation, no post-homework. 3 hours on spot production. 

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Doris Q.

Huei Miin




Tat Sing

Wei Ping


Huei Miin


24 Jalan Sepakat 9, Taman United, Kuala Lumpur 

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