Booku is architects initiated, book space committed to the exchange of cultural knowledge within a multidisciplinary community. Booku is dedicated to promote literature whilst facilitating and showcasing architecture through exhibition, discourse and education.
Booku (culmination of Malay word 'buku' and English's 'book') was established in December 2015 to envision a new typology of spatial democracy, enabling private and public space to evolve and live co-existingly. In a city that is rapidly urbanised, architects, artists and designers must be open to challenge the boundary of ideas and space in order to be progressive and relevant.
Thus, Booku is a multi-functional library that fills the gap in access and opportunity by engaging discourse through literature, music, visual arts, performance and events. Eg: exhibition, lecture, workshop and presentation in conjunction with both local and international collaborations.
Our library consists of reading space that holds textual as well as visual material,and a music corner that is equip with an RP1 turntable. Booku also owns a growing inventory of books, magazines and vinyl records. Various book and reading events are currently held in this space through different chapter every season.
纸质阅读和荧幕阅读的交错年代,实体书仍有幸在一群好书人中撑起一家图书馆。原本的建筑工作室一分为二,楼下改造成图书馆开放给大众。以文学为出发点,与其他创作平台进行跨艺术的交流,希冀提供一个艺文养分的实验空间。 「册厝」就是以这样的概念铸型于坊间。
「册厝」cè cuò 的 “册” 源之古代竹简,书本的缘起;而“厝” 取之福建谐音"chu"家,BOOKU更是马来文与英文词汇的结合。通过这样的命名方式,意喻语言虽然是文学的表现形式,但是文学的内在价值却是跨语言的。因此书架上各个语言的译本都单纯依照学科内容性质进行分类。